Every once in a while, someone sells something so spectacular, so stupendous, so stupefyingly special, it makes me want to jump in my car, drive to meet them, and buy them a coffee. This is one of those times. Just look what this man made. Oh yes, you know the white-haired, white-shoed man pictured below made this thing in his garage. You know he put a lot of love into it: designing it, repairing it, shining it. The front wheel: it looks exactly like an old kids trike. Think about that. He was in that garage thinking, next year's parade is going to be great! When his friends would come over, he'd say: want to see my trike?
It's beautiful.
Seller writes: 3 wheel trike manufactured from a Harley Davidson rebuild 2 cycle motor from a golf cart. Used only a few times in parades. Runs well. Has original Harley Davidson colors and decals