Thursday, February 23, 2012

"So many things you could do with this gold." - $40 (Regina)

Something is wrong with this picture. As of today, gold sells for $1770 an ounce, yet seller wants $40. So: a) seller wants $40 per chunk; b) seller wants $40 for the whole deal, and just doesn't understand how pricey gold is at the moment; c) seller doesn't actually have gold and is trying to make a quick $40. And what does that last line mean? That he knows only two pieces are real?

I like the story though: about the son who loves the show gold rush, and the image of the father smashing up a ring with a hammer.

Seller writes: this was a 18k gold ring and was hammered in to pieces to make gold nuggets for my son who loves the show gold rush. so many things you could do with this gold. I was going to melt it down into a button or something. anyways i am done with it. there are two pieces that look like real nuggets

18k gold pieces&nuggets North Regina, Regina

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