What is it with you people and your Roughriders? I didn't grow up here, so I'm still impressed with how deeply embedded the team is in the community. In what other town would the conductor of the city's symphonic orchestra announce the score - of a regular season game! - in between a concerto and a sonata? (I saw the RSO's Victor Sawa do just that.)
ANYWAY, Rider Pride is so high that someone thought it'd be a great idea to make Rider salt and pepper shakers. Indeed. Make 'em an offer, Sea of Green.
Roughrider Salt and Pepper Shakers North Regina, Regina

ANYWAY, Rider Pride is so high that someone thought it'd be a great idea to make Rider salt and pepper shakers. Indeed. Make 'em an offer, Sea of Green.
Roughrider Salt and Pepper Shakers North Regina, Regina